
ANTs in Your Pants? Exploring Automatic Negative Thoughts (Part 1 of 2)

ANTs in Your Pants? Exploring Automatic Negative Thoughts (Part 1 of 2)

While you may not have heard of the phrases “cognitive distortions” or “Automatic Negative Thoughts,” I can guarantee you know precisely what they are. We all experience negative self-talk at times. We have inner bullies who rise up and tell us untrue things seemingly out of nowhere.

Finding Gratitude, Even in 2020

Finding Gratitude, Even in 2020

2020 has tested our patience, resilience, and mental health in ways we couldn’t have imagined at this time last year. Many of us have spent the last 8 months or so trying to avoid getting sick, protecting our families, navigating having COVID, dealing with the loss of income and/or loved ones, and having to pivot…and pivot…and, yes, pivot yet again. But something that remains true no matter how hard things are is that a gratitude practice makes things better. Yes, really—even now. Especially now.



For weeks now I’ve wanted to write about the killing of George Floyd in Minneapolis and the reckoning that’s followed. It’s been challenging to process what must be heard and said in this moment in time.

Like you, my heart is heavy. There’s a lot of unrest, pain, guilt, shame, judgment, confusion, sadness, rage, and grief out there. Awareness is rising. Thoughtfulness and contemplation are starting to replace ignorance and turning a blind eye.

I want to say comforting words to each one of you—even though I realize I won’t say the right things necessarily. And how can I capture what you’re facing, especially if you’re “living while Black” in this country?

PANDEMIC POWER: Banish Repetitive Thoughts

PANDEMIC POWER: Banish Repetitive Thoughts

One challenge we didn’t cover in the last post is how rumination, or the act of turning something over and over in our minds can impact our mental health. When we repeat negative thoughts in a loop, it can make us miserable. Luckily you have the power to banish those repetitive thoughts!

5 Steps to Reduce Fear and Anxiety During a Pandemic

5 Steps to Reduce Fear and Anxiety During a Pandemic

Are you anxious? Even intermittently? As long as you are human, and you are, then the answer is of course you are. You have a human brain. Your brain’s function as an organ is to keep you safe from threats and danger. So again, it would be weird if you didn’t feel anxious. Everyone is feeling it. And guess what, that’s ok.

These are intense times, my dear.

Mindshift Map: How to Believe New Things Volume 2

Mindshift Map: How to Believe New Things Volume 2

Did you know you can believe anything you want? Don’t let your thoughts hold you back from what you really want. Ask yourself, what do you want to believe? How do you want to imagine your life? When you work through the steps in this post, you can achieve a massive change in your life, just by thinking new things.

Upper Limit Problems — Outsmart fear of failure and fear of success to become unstoppable!

Upper Limit Problems — Outsmart fear of failure and fear of success to become unstoppable!

When it comes to one of your major goals, does it feel like you just can’t seem to get there—that it’s just out of reach? Find yourself on track and then derailed again and again?  

If you're bold in going after what you want—if you’ve done big things but still want more—it’s time we talk about something called the Upper-Limit Problem (ULP). It’s a sneaky one, and if you don’t understand how it works, you may wish and hope so long that you give up completely.

Digging into the ULP helps conquer hidden fears to take your life to the next level. Once you solve your ULP, you can accomplish any dream or goal!

The Model – It's your Ultimate Secret to Happiness and Empowerment

The Model – It's your Ultimate Secret to Happiness and Empowerment

The truth is that no one is responsible for how you feel and the results you get. If you want to feel happy, confident, loving or whatever other emotion you desire to feel on the regular – it's available to you.  

Same goes with results. Maybe you want to make 100K in your business or even a million. Or is it to find the love of your life or be in the best health of your life? 

It's all up to you. It's based on the simple formula called the model. Everything in life fits into the model. But you have to practice it to really apply it to your life.  

Money Series Lesson 10: Your highest expense is not taking action

Money Series Lesson 10: Your highest expense is not taking action

The biggest expense you can ever pay in your life is inaction. Particularly inaction on your dreams. This is the biggest expense I see—listening to fear and not going after what it is you truly want. Imagine the time it could take to get going on that dream business you want. The more you stall the more you pay. You actually miss out on the opportunity your business would afford you to grow and the wealth you could accumulate.

I want you to start thinking about NOT TAKING ACTION as your biggest expense.

You might as well be stealing money from yourself when you let fear, confusion, doubt and scarcity stop you from taking action.