
Need Help Implementing Monday Hour One and Your Time Management Goals?

Need Help Implementing Monday Hour One and Your Time Management Goals?

Monday Hour One changed my personal life, my work, and my exploration of the world in such a better way. And for my clients too. That said, sometimes we need a little help getting it implemented with unbiased observations. Can you see around the road blocks holding you back?

Time Management #19: Technology Tips (Part 2)

Time Management #19: Technology Tips (Part 2)

Do you look at your phone when you first wake up? Most of us don’t want to know how much time we lose to spending “just a few moments” here and there. But as mentioned last week, the amount can be staggering. Today we continue with two other tricks that will help you limit the hours you spend on screens each day and truly reclaim your time: 

Time Management #14: Who Holds You Accountable?

Time Management #14: Who Holds You Accountable?

I was thrilled with the idea of the freedom being a full-time entrepreneur would bring. Boy was I wrong!

I imagined sleeping in until 11 am, making brunch, working a little, taking a break, and then working a little more before knocking off early. I had it all figured out.

As it turns out, that kind of schedule won’t get you anywhere. Success requires supervision and direction. So guess what? I had to become the boss of me in the most literal sense.

Time Management #3: How to Stop Drowning in Details

Time Management #3: How to Stop Drowning in Details

Back in early April, I found myself on my knees, scrubbing my bathtub. Within an hour, I’d moved on to re-organizing my sock drawer, then dusting furniture, when it finally hit me—I was literally doing anything to avoid my 2018 taxes! 

I even have an amazing woman whom I love, and she comes and cleans for me once a week. I try to stay within my zone of genius as much as possible, and I suggest you do so too, since time is our most precious commodity—and cleaning is not in my zone of genius whatsoever— so what the heck was I doing? Have you done this?

Time Management #2: Stop Putting Out Fires All Day

Time Management #2: Stop Putting Out Fires All Day

Sometimes in the evenings, when you’re looking back at your day, do you find that nothing on your “goal list” got done? This used to happen to me more than I’d like to admit. That’s why I’ve spent the last years intensely studying what makes us more efficient with time so we can knock out busyness and get on with the joy are lives are supposed to be made of. 

How many days do you spend the bulk of your time running around putting out fires?

How much closer could you be to your big dream if you stopped letting the tail wag the dog? There’s actually a way to work half the amount you are now and make twice as much money and time for things you love. Focus baby focus.  

Money Series Lesson 2: Creating Money by Creating Value = More Free Time in Your Week To Do What You Love

Money Series Lesson 2: Creating Money by Creating Value = More Free Time in Your Week To Do What You Love

A lot of you will notice when you examine your mindset around money and time that you have a belief that you have to put in a lot of effort and time to make money. When time and effort = money, you’re basically sitting there with your hand out waiting to get paid. Do you currently feel that you “should” get paid the most you can for the least amount of effort and time? That’s not empowering. And that won’t create more of what you want in life. It will keep you stuck though.

What I am about to share with you is so important. Hint: You must get out of that “hand held out waiting” passive role and into massive action to create value from thoughts that serve you and don’t burn you out.

Monday Hour One

Monday Hour One

Out of all of the things I can teach you this is definitely one of the tools, that crate the most freedom, make you the most money, and develop a legacy for your life that has the most meaning for you. Time and money are both mental contracts. So is time management. But time management is a useful construct for us to utilize because of the awareness that it brings to living your life on purpose and on your terms. Just like anything else outside of us, we cannot control time. But we can manage our minds around time- which will in turn help us-- quote unquote-- manage our time. The construct of time means nothing until we have a thought about it. 

We’ve all agree on the mental construct of time. 

Money Series Lesson 1: Make More Time With a Money Mindset

Money Series Lesson 1: Make More Time With a Money Mindset

Money can buy you time, and there’s nothing more valuable than time.  

Some people think there’s nothing more valuable than money- I would argue there’s nothing more valuable then time.

It’s true the more money you have the more time you can buy, You can hire a work and personal assistant to do all the things you’re— ehhh at, or ehhh about doing and spend that time doing what really matters to you. What if you could spend more time with loved ones, doing things you truly value, or creating your life from your zone of genius?

What Do You Want to Use Your Life For? Knowing This Will Help You Make More Time.

What Do You Want to Use Your Life For? Knowing This Will Help You Make More Time.

It’s a big question right? What do you want to use your life for? 

When it comes to making more time in your life you really must answer this question for yourself.  

The reason this is important is that when you know what you want to use your life for, you can live intentionally. What's the point in teaching you how to make more time in your life to make more money, have loving relationships and a lifestyle that rocks if you don’t know what to do with that extra time? 

Guilt-Free Downtime

Guilt-Free Downtime

Are you feeling guilty for reading this because you are “supposed to be doing something else right now? “

If you answered yes, you may be guilty of blurring your downtime with thoughts about what you should be doing? 

The common thought I hear over and over is: “I should be doing something else.”

I know this seems like an innocent thing to think. But I've found it's one of the trickiest, undercover, joy stealing, time robbing, relationship ruining, and health risking thoughts you can have. 

It pretends to motivate, it falsely promises productivity. But it’s a total lie. It actually does the opposite. 

When you think, this thought over and over, eventually it will take over your time and your life and even if you have free time it will never feel like that because you won’t be present. You’ll be too busy being stressed about what you should be doing and you will resent all of the time in your life being about “having to get stuff done,” and this my friends will lead to a less productive and joyless life. I’ve been there. 

How Being a Time Snob Can Chill You Out Big Time!

How Being a Time Snob Can Chill You Out Big Time!

A Time Snob looks down on most of your obligations.

Lots of the time your obligations are just sentences you are telling yourself in your mind, appearing to be reality, until otherwise put in check. Under further investigation, many of your obligations aren’t even obligations. And even if they are, you are always choosing them, to do them, or not to.  

Thinking of your job, spending time with your partner, and paying taxes as an obligation kills all the joy and takes away your potency. You choose these things.

How trash talking about time all the time is costing you time, money and energy and one thing you can do to change that now.

How trash talking about time all the time is costing you time, money and energy and one thing you can do to change that now.

If you've set up an adversarial relationship with time you're always gonna be struggling against it and maybe even forfeit your dreams.

Sadly, most of us go through our lives feeling stressed, anxious, fearful, hurried, rushed, and defeated by our beliefs around time. I know it feels like reality, but it’s just a bad habit. The cool thing about habits is you can break um and replace um with ones that'll help you flourish.

Have you ever stopped to notice how much you complain about time?

 There’s never enough of it

 I don’t know where it all goes

 It’s always running out

 I wish there were more hours in the day

My personal fav...I never have time for a life...

AND... If only I had more time I’d start that dream job, training, coaching program, relationship or family that I’ve wanted, but guess that won't ever happen