time management

3 Tips to Help You Ditch the Doomscrolling

3 Tips to Help You Ditch the Doomscrolling

Have you been glued to your phone for months? Do you find yourself deep in rabbit holes online that you never planned on entering?

I came across a new word online the other day, and it sums up something I’ve been thinking about and seeing in abundance in lately with clients but didn’t quite have a name for this rendition yet. Doomscrolling.

Need Help Implementing Monday Hour One and Your Time Management Goals?

Need Help Implementing Monday Hour One and Your Time Management Goals?

Monday Hour One changed my personal life, my work, and my exploration of the world in such a better way. And for my clients too. That said, sometimes we need a little help getting it implemented with unbiased observations. Can you see around the road blocks holding you back?

Time Management #25: Do Not Fail the Follow Through

Time Management #25: Do Not Fail the Follow Through

How’s your follow through? Do you have a lot of unfinished projects on your plate right now? Let’s say you start an important project, then what? Do you get sidetracked? Do other tasks creep up in priority? Or are you laser focused until it's done? Success come with the follow through.

Time Management #19: Technology Tips (Part 2)

Time Management #19: Technology Tips (Part 2)

Do you look at your phone when you first wake up? Most of us don’t want to know how much time we lose to spending “just a few moments” here and there. But as mentioned last week, the amount can be staggering. Today we continue with two other tricks that will help you limit the hours you spend on screens each day and truly reclaim your time: 

Time Management #17: Lesson 3 in Staying Positive

Time Management #17: Lesson 3 in Staying Positive

Deep down do you really believe in yourself? It can be easy not to notice how we're really talking to ourselves...

For example, during a mini session last week, a woman named “Clara,” let’s say, was painfully trying to follow her schedule with no luck. When we looked at her internal dialogue, we found all kinds of negative self-talk, and a light bulb went off.

Time Management #15: Lesson 1 in Staying Positive

Time Management #15:  Lesson 1 in Staying Positive

In order to be more productive with my time, watching out for which type of self talk I'm using is a game changer. For example, last night I chose to massively clean my closet, including changing out seasonal clothing, rather than do a few key things I really needed to do. I knew exactly what I was doing, too: a classic case of procrastination. 

What was facing me was challenging, and I knew the project would take a good bit of time, so I let my brain tell me stories…

Time Management #14: Who Holds You Accountable?

Time Management #14: Who Holds You Accountable?

I was thrilled with the idea of the freedom being a full-time entrepreneur would bring. Boy was I wrong!

I imagined sleeping in until 11 am, making brunch, working a little, taking a break, and then working a little more before knocking off early. I had it all figured out.

As it turns out, that kind of schedule won’t get you anywhere. Success requires supervision and direction. So guess what? I had to become the boss of me in the most literal sense.

Time Management #10: Attack of the Messy Desk

Time Management #10: Attack of the Messy Desk

For as long as I can remember, my uncle carried around a stack of 3” x 5” index cards for making lists, usually in his chest pocket. His little notes to himself, reminders, to-dos, and messages always kept him prepared and made him feel more in control of his day. 

This system never worked for me. Whether index cards or post-it notes, I always failed. I would either lose them, they would come unstuck and float to the floor or behind a desk, or they were just never where I needed to see them when I needed to see them. 

Time Management #8: What’s Your Superpower?

Time Management #8:  What’s Your Superpower?

Ever wonder why most of us have been asked the same 2 questions in every job interview we’ve ever had? 

  • What are your strengths and weaknesses? 

  • If you were a superhero, what would your superpower be?

They’ve become cliché from overuse, and I even rolled my eyes while typing them. But stay with me—there are good reasons why they’re so popular.