Make 2020 Your Year. Make Your Dreams Come True!

Do you believe in Radical Possibilities for your life in 2020… the real secret to achieving anything you can dream up?

I’m not going to talk about actions you can take to create your goals in 2020. Rather how you can create your life on purpose with your most powerful tool: your mind.  

Think of the one thing you really want in 2020. What one result do you want to create?  

The secret is that everything you want begins with the thought that it’s a possibility for you. What’s been limiting you in any way is your thoughts.  

If you believe you can make a million dollars, you can.

If you believe you can find the love of your life, you will.

If you believe you can reignite the love and happiness in your relationship, it can happen.

If you believe you can heal the family relationships you’ve always found challenging, you have that power too.

If you believe you can forgive yourself and those around you and drop comparison, blame, and victimhood, you will.

If you believe you can lose 50 pounds and be at your ideal weight and optimum health, you can.

If you want a child, but you have lots of evidence that it won’t happen, there’s a way you can be a parent. 

I mention these things above because they’re a few of the dreams I’ve helped my clients identify and make a reality in their lives this year. I know that you can do what you might currently feel is an impossibility for you too.  It does require thinking outside of the box, thinking of options you’ve never allowed before.

What do you want to believe about yourself, about what you’re capable of? What result do you want to create?  

Don’t identify with your current belief system. That’ll just get you where you've already been. Instead, try believing in the RADICAL. The “radical possibilities” for your life. For most of us, radical possibilities are ideas, plans, and images you’ve never dreamed of or even thought of because of the natural limitations of your programmed mind.  

For example, you’ve never even thought you could OR you tell yourself you wouldn’t want to be a person to make a million dollars in a year’s time. But why? “Why is that ok for others but not for me?” Question all your current beliefs. Many of my clients who after seeing others around them becoming millionaires in their industry and close community over the past 2 years, realized, “Wait a minute I can do that too, and if that’s a possibility for me why am I not making that choice for myself?” Good question.

These are all great questions because the reason WHY you want something is very important.

It doesn’t have to be profound, the only criteria is that you like YOUR reason for wanting something. Are you in the same boat? Have you never allowed yourself to dream, really dream outside the box because it was too radical? If so, welcome to being human, we all have to identify the box we’ve put ourselves in and wonder what it is we really want to create in life because the reason we don’t dream in radical possibilities is because of the outdated programming.

For some of my clients in the above example, they had beliefs about what they should and shouldn’t be allowed to want or dream about. They had unconscious beliefs about money that had never been questioned, just absorbed and lived out on autopilot. Some of the thoughts sounded like this, “It’s selfish to want that much money,” “I shouldn’t want more than I need,” “I’ll have to work too much and I won’t have time for my loved ones,” “I would never know ‘how’ to do it.”

Oh really? Interesting what we tell ourselves…

Once all of these thoughts are examined you get to decide if they’re true for you, most of the time, they aren’t.

This is the fun part because it’s not hard to stop believing something you didn’t even know you were thinking, that you know is hogwash and outdated. For other beliefs it takes work, but you get to create your experience. Insert your goal, how will you feel and choose to think through the process? You’re already doing it now, creating results in your life, so it might as well be the results you REALLY want. So let’s make it conscious. Imagine all the radical possibilities? You don’t have to do them just because you imagine them, learn to let yourself dream.

You have no limitations but those in the files created by your programmed mind, which you have the power to edit, delete, keep and create anew.  


Trust me, you’re going to want to focus on the “how to.” Don’t worry about that right now. When you believe in your dream “the how” is irrelevant. “The how” comes when you believe and you make the decision and commitment to take massive action no matter what until you get the result, and I mean any result your heart desires. It’s in your imagining of having accomplished your goal and how you will feel, and practicing feeling that way right now that matters.   

Now is the time to dream. To think outside the box of what you normally allow yourself to believe about your life, your dreams, and desires. They do matter.  

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Question all of your thoughts. You’re allowed to think whatever you want. Pause and think about that. There are no limits to what you think about yourself and your life. None.  

Any limitation you have is an illusion of the programmed mind. Let the limiting illusions go.  

The best news I have for you, is that you have the ability to become aware of your programming, just like you can look at the files on your computer and modify and update them to your liking. You can do this with your thoughts.

You’ll think it’s impossible because you’ve never allowed yourself to believe it before. But when you give yourself permission to think in radical possibilities, everything changes.  

You’re not your current thoughts, your stories, or your personality. You are much more powerful than that. You determine your perception and reality.

I know because I’ve seen countless clients do it. I’ve done it. I live in both Los Angeles and the French Riviera. I’m a practicing psychotherapist and coach. Years ago I never believed I could practice outside of my office in the State of California where I am licensed until I believed that it was possible. Deep down I had a thought that I wasn’t even aware of, “I couldn’t have it all, meaning all of my dreams.” I now know that’s not true whatsoever, in any area of my life. I want you to know this deep down as well. I hope my story and those of my clients inspire you to think radically.

In order to create something new in 2020, something you’ve never created before, you’ll have to look at your files. You’ll have to decide on purpose what you want to think is radically possible in your life. Nothing is too small or too big.


What are at least 10 thoughts you have about yourself? As it relates to what you want to see happen in your life this year? Don’t overthink it or edit your thoughts as you write, don’t try and be kind or positive. Just get it all out—the good, the bad and the ugly.

Don’t judge what you wrote.

I promise there’s nothing wrong with you, it’s your human brain and it is supposed to keep you safe at all cost, so it’ll tell you all sorts of crazy stuff. True or not. Most are just thought errors or thoughts that just don’t serve you even if they’re true. Just be curious about what comes out.

Say you have a thought like mine, “I can have everything I want.” Try saying, “maybe, and maybe not” in response to each thought. This allows for wiggle room and keeps you from getting stuck in black or white thinking. It’s never black and white, no matter how much it feels like it is. And always ask “Why?” Why do I believe I can’t have everything I want?”  

Now, what do you want to think about yourself and your life? List 10 thoughts that can be related to your goals or not.

The point is you can list all of the things you thought were impossibilities in your life, or you wouldn’t even allow yourself to believe because you never let yourself dream. But go there. What’s your current limiting story, and what do you want your story to be? You have the power to change your story and your life. You always have and you always will. You just have to believe. Believe in radical possibilities. Your power lies in what you will allow yourself to believe.

I know you can have the best year of your life so far, in 2020. The best decade yet. Because I believe in radical possibilities. I believe in you.  

On a mini session this week, Mindy (we’ll call her for confidentiality purposes) was pained over the recent holidays’ festivities as parent wounds kept resurfacing and triggering her in most of her close relationships. She said, “I’m ready to be done with the pain I’ve been carrying around.” In 30 minutes we deleted, edited and added some new files to her programmed mind so that she could start with a blank slate this year.

It’s like wiping the motherboard clean. Now she’ll do the day-to-day work of practicing her new beliefs and proving them true to create the relationships and self-concept she wants. She felt imprisoned by what she was currently believing and you might too. Sometimes we just need help believing that we can believe something new. It seems magical but it’s rooted in neuroscience.

You really can change your thoughts and ultimately your life, the instructions are simple, but the practicing of it, the believing of it, is where you’ll need to work. I can help you bridge the gap between what’s going on now and how you’d like things to be, purely by teaching you how to use the power of your mind. I got your back. Let’s talk and make this decade the best one yet. It’s time.