For the next several weeks, we’re talking about reclaiming our power in the face of tragedy, as a direct response to the threat of COVID-19. I think we could all use a mind shift toward feeling more in control during this stressful time.

Last week we talked about the importance of boosting our immune systems to ward off infection, and this week we’re exploring a different angle on immunity: the importance of REST and SLEEP. 

How many of you have stayed up until the wee hours recently reading dreadful news on your phones in bed? Or if you somehow managed to put your phone down, did you then toss and turn for hours? 

Anxiety and fear can totally wreck our sleep patterns, and it’s hard to imagine a more pressing time than the one we’re in, especially because of all the uncertainty involved.

Emotional fatigue on top of the physical effects of sleep deficits can take an enormous toll on the body’s ability to fight off infection, AND in general can cause anxiety, depression, irritability, hormonal imbalance, lack of sex drive, hypertension, accidents, you name it. I don’t say these things to scare the crap out of you but more to emphasize how important it really is to get sleep.

If you are challenged with insomnia or just poor sleep hygiene please get help now, don’t put it off any longer. Speak with your doctor and give me a shout out, depending on what’s causing it I’ll be able to help you.

Studies show that getting at least 8 hours of sleep or more per night gives us the best possible chance of resisting disease/infection, plus being generally healthy overall. But how do we get there if we’re barely managing 5 hours?  

8 hours of sleep is best for resisting disease.jpg

First, you must evaluate your bedtime prep or nighttime routine.

If you’re climbing in bed and flipping on the TV, scrolling Instagram, or talking on the phone, you’re literally just hanging out in your bed—not preparing for sleep. 

Try deciding on a time, perhaps an hour before you’d actually like to be asleep, set an alarm! This is super helpful. Alarm goes off and it’s time to unwind. This is a great time to turn off your screens. Let your mind slow down from the day, and your body. Wash your face, brush your teeth, take your supplements, drink some tea, take a warm relaxing bath with lavender essential oils or lavender epson salt—whatever it is you do before bed.

If you don’t have a bedtime routine create one that you look forward to. Make it fun and luxurious, think, “yay, it’s time for my evening wind down and sleep!” Practice being content with what you’ve done or not done in the day.

And then, when you’re done with your wind-down relaxing tasks, actually GET IN BED. No phone. No TV. Lights out! In a good way! Finish off with a mentally thank you to yourself for showing up as a human being today no matter what you “did or didn’t do,” don’t judge it. Note 5 things in your mind that you are grateful for, smile because it release feel good hormones that will help you drift off. They can be big or small things, like… “I am grateful for my pillow, my bed, running water, my puppy, my kids, my health, my partner, etc. etc…” Some of you really like prayer during this time. Do whatever it is that feeds your spirit in this moment before you fall asleep, it could be diaphragmatic breathing and imagining/visualizing how tomorrow will be a good day.

Some Bedtime Wind Down Ideas

Try herbal teas formulated to support sleep, stretching or doing gentle yoga or Qi Gong in the early evening, or meditation. A friend of mine tells me she listens to a guided mediation on the YouTube app every night as she’s drifting off (which I guess breaks the no-phone rule, but we can let that slide if you feel you can be disciplined about it). I love and use all of these at different points in times as my “body and mind needs” shift and change. See what fits for you.

Some people swear by sleep masks, which block light.

Also, be aware of the temperature of the room you’re sleeping in. Anything above 65° Fahrenheit is going to make resting more difficult. Get cozy under the bed covers.

It’s also important to support your biological clock by trying to go to sleep and wake up at about the same time every day. Our bodies come to expect things and respond to them! Gently experiment with this out and see what a difference it makes. No need to be a drill sergeant about it. That’ll just put you off doing anything differently.

Ok, so there you go. Not only will sleep improve your immune system, but just about every other function of your body and area of your life. Pay attention to what is happening with your sleep and make adjustments to your thoughts about it that allow for feeling that any changes you make can be easy and fun.

What are 3 things you’d like to do that are even just small adjustments this week to help yourself get better sleep?

Even if you can only implement 1 or 2 now, your body will thank you for the extra rest and enhanced ability to ENJOY life (Rona or no Rona) and cope with anything and everything with more ease and less overwhelm on your system and your mind. Think better sleep equals more peace. Peace out lovely ones. I’ll talk with you soon.  

On a mini session this week, Natalia was feeling stuck in general in her life before the Coronvirus came along. Now it feels like the sh*ts has hit the fan and its free-fall into some alternate reality where what really matters to her is no longer valid...

I call BS on this for all of us! Yep, we're in this situation so it's even more important to take our dreams and goals more seriously. They can be small, medium, big, or and probably most likely modified—but that's ok. You know why —- because there's not really a choice in arguing with reality. We lose but only 100 % of the time.

So yes you and your life do matter even in social isolation. Maybe you're busier than usual, maybe you're bored and worried about money, irritated by your relationships, disappointed that things have been cancelled—all of it. No matter what your self-care matters, you matter. Let yourself feel all the negative emotions like Natalia discovered were lingering under her COVID fears. Turn that fear into courage and take the steps that are just right for you to feel good about your life and the meaning of it.  

It's 50/50 negative and positive emotion, always. Same goes with this time too, babe. Jump on a mini and let's sort it out together. Right now I've only got space for 1 more new client. I'd love it to be you. You know who you are.

And to all my already fabulous clients you are amazing today and always. Thank you for letting me shine the light on your beloved path. XO