living life on purpose

How to Ditch Busyness and Produce Your Irresistible Life

How to Ditch Busyness and Produce Your Irresistible Life

Feel like you’re doing a lot and producing a little? Here’s why…

Busy does not = productive time spent.

When you feel busy, like you’re doing a million things, you need to stop and assess how you’re actually spending your time. You will be surprised.

I want you to be the Royal Queen of your time and Energy, so you can create and live your most irresistible life.

Plan to Live on Purpose This Year!

Plan to Live on Purpose This Year!

Most of my clients are looking forward to having a clean slate, a new year. But how do we mentally close out last year so that we can start the new year clear and focused? What to do with this new start?

I have found that reviewing what happened the previous year can be an illuminating exercise in planning for this one. A couple of important points before you get cracking on these questions: