Let Go of Fear & Feel Irresistible to Yourself this Valentine's Day: Top Six ways Yoga Heals

Let Go of Fear & Feel Irresistible to Yourself this Valentine's Day: Top Six ways Yoga Heals

Do you find yourself feeling anxious, keyed up, battling that inner critic, having a difficult time making decisions, and/or feeling like you aren’t on the “right” life path?  Yoga can help.

Yoga is a great way to jumpstart your own healing journey. Healing never means the damage never existed, it just means that it no longer controls our lives.  Amen sister! Or as we say in Kundalini Yoga, Wahe Guru! -- (Meaning how AWE-mazing it is to go from darkness to light)!

I’ve worked with many over-giving, well-intentioned women who push through their body’s signals to slow down and rest, OR move and shake. There are so many demands on women these days to be everything to everybody. It’s easy to try and sweep our emotions under the proverbial rug, AND ignore our body’s signals, especially when our society values the "go, go, go" attitude toward life. Today, in my work with women and couples, I am passionate about sharing the key ingredients for creating long lasting health and wellness in body, mind AND spirit. I not only use talk therapy and traditional coaching techniques to help clients, I also use breath-work (pranayama), meditation, and gentle yoga movements to help clients reconnect their mind and bodies to reduce anxiety and stress, to increase confidence and wellness, and to help illuminate the sense of one’s “right” life path and clarity of mind. I also lead workshops and retreats to help heal the mind-body connection, so that my clients can truly flourish in life.

A Small Dose of Holiday Zen

A Small Dose of Holiday Zen

Are you feeling overwhelmed, and dissatisfied with the results of all of the work you are putting in to make the holidays joyful for everyone else? Let’s get a tiny bit closer to being Zen about the holidays. Can I get an Ommmmm... lol, but seriously, there is much wisdom to be received from this concept. Zen in defined in the Urban dictionary to mean, “a total state of focus that incorporates a total togetherness of body and mind. Zen is a way of being. It also is a state of mind. Zen involves dropping illusion and seeing things without distortion created by your own thoughts.”

What a shrink wants you to know about your body

What a shrink wants you to know about your body

Yoga is the practice of creating unity between mind and body. When there's a disconnect between mind and body, our lives become unbalanced, causing stress, fatigue and ultimately, illness. The reverse can happen when you reunite your mind and body through yoga. Your mind and your body can start to heal naturally, helping you to feel healthier, happier, more balanced, and more alive!

I discovered yoga through my own health crisis. During my internship to become a psychotherapist, my life became so stressful and unbalanced (working 80 hours a week with severely traumatized children and families) that my body actually broke down. This was a scary time for me…  After all, I was in the healing profession.  How could I have allowed this to happen to me, didn’t I know better?  Maybe not… This experience was a difficult way to learn that I needed to be kinder to my body. Unfortunately, our society does not always support this mind body connection, but separates the two, causing confusion, disharmony, and distress.