Holiday Stress

Finding Gratitude, Even in 2020

Finding Gratitude, Even in 2020

2020 has tested our patience, resilience, and mental health in ways we couldn’t have imagined at this time last year. Many of us have spent the last 8 months or so trying to avoid getting sick, protecting our families, navigating having COVID, dealing with the loss of income and/or loved ones, and having to pivot…and pivot…and, yes, pivot yet again. But something that remains true no matter how hard things are is that a gratitude practice makes things better. Yes, really—even now. Especially now.

What’s a Boundary Anyway? Know When To Set a Boundary + How To Do It From Love

What’s a Boundary Anyway? Know When To Set a Boundary + How To Do It From Love

What’s a boundary anyway?

Holiday season is among us a I can't think of a better time to talk about the importance of boundaries. A boundary is something that you set when there's been a boundary violation.

What's a boundary violation?

A boundary violation happens when someone comes into your emotional or physical space in a way that’s inappropriate. Then you need to do the work of setting a boundary for yourself.

You get to decide what's "inappropriate" for you.

The boundary is actually what you will do if someone violates you.

Love, Lovability, Family Triggers, and Turkey Day

Love, Lovability, Family Triggers, and Turkey Day

A lot of my work with clients around this time is about helping them to prep themselves to deal with family in ways that create feelings of love and peace inside — instead of mild-to-extreme angst & dread and the typical emotional hangover that lasts about a week. Have you been there? I think we all have.  

Family is a beautiful thing, but it can also be a source of emotional pain for a lot us. It’s normal. Everybody's got a little drama somewhere in their family system and that’s ok.  

Nothing’s wrong with you and it doesn’t need to be a source of shame or other terrible negative emotions either. There is another way. 

Together we’ll map out an emotional strategy for the holidays! 

Energy Vampires? Get Your Secret Weapon Ready For the Holidays.

Energy Vampires? Get Your Secret Weapon Ready For the Holidays.

Do you think there is such a thing as people who are energy vampires? Not the Halloween kind of vampires, but people who suck the energy from you, exhaust you or make you want to close off?

We are right in the middle of Christmas celebrations, and New Year’s is just around the corner. The holidays can be such a busy time with family and loved ones. Bringing busy schedules, family dynamics, last minute preparations and rich food. There is an energetic exchange going on when we are around so many people and so many expectations. One that often, we don’t realize we have choice in. 

A Small Dose of Holiday Zen

A Small Dose of Holiday Zen

Are you feeling overwhelmed, and dissatisfied with the results of all of the work you are putting in to make the holidays joyful for everyone else? Let’s get a tiny bit closer to being Zen about the holidays. Can I get an Ommmmm... lol, but seriously, there is much wisdom to be received from this concept. Zen in defined in the Urban dictionary to mean, “a total state of focus that incorporates a total togetherness of body and mind. Zen is a way of being. It also is a state of mind. Zen involves dropping illusion and seeing things without distortion created by your own thoughts.”