For the next several weeks, we’re talking about reclaiming our power in the face of tragedy, as a direct response to the threat of COVID-19. I think we could all use a mind shift toward feeling more in control during this stressful time.

Last week we talked about the incredible power of Rest & Sleep to strengthen our immune systems—Now we’re going to focus on flexing our mindfulness muscles.

Meditation has been used by people all over the world for an incredibly long time. There’s evidence of the practice in Indian scriptures as far back at 3,000 years (and some even say 5,000 years)! 

TIME magazine published a great piece in 2016 about the history of meditation and how it went mainstream in Western culture. Its effects have been widely studied, and the benefits are amazing. Scientific studies prove it can: 

  • Reduce stress

  • Control anxiety

  • Promote emotional health

  • Enhance self-awareness

  • Lengthen attention span

  • Reduce age-related memory loss

  • Generate kindness

  • Possibly help fight addictions

Meditation has even been shown to reduce our chance of getting a viral infection by up to 50%. And if we do happen to get one, it can reduce the length of our illness by up to 50% as well. 


Sounds great, right? These effects would be great even in the best of times, but they’re even more crucial right now. Most of us across the globe are under the threat of COVID-19, which is incredibly stressful.

With mass anxiety during this uncertain time at all-time highs, it’s important we take some control back by doing what we can to lower our stress. 

If you’re unfamiliar with the practice, let’s start with a tiny bit recommended by Gaiam. For the next 2-3 minutes, try this: 

  1. Sit or lie comfortably.

  2. Close your eyes.

  3. Make no effort to control your breath—simply breathe naturally.

  4. Focus your attention on your breath and how the body moves with each inhalation and exhalation. Observe your chest, shoulders, rib cage, and belly. Simply focus your attention on your breath without controlling its pace or intensity. If your mind wanders, return your focus back to your breath.

Once you’ve gotten used to this sequence, you can increase the amount of time for each session. 

If your mind is very busy, or easily distracted, or if you find the method above too “free form” and unstructured, you can try a different type of mindfulness called guided meditation. Here’s a popular one by guru Jason Stephenson. 

I’m impartial to Kundalini Yoga’s meditations since it’s one of the great loves of my life and this is the type of yoga I mostly teach. KY is known as the yoga of awareness.

I can’t tell you how powerful Kundalini Yoga (KY) and KY meditations have been for myself and those I know that practice this type of yoga with all the mind-body connection healings you gain and overall more peacefulness. It’s so powerful. There are amazingly beautiful mantras and the music is divine. A shout out to my KY peeps! SAT NAM! “Sat Nam” is a greeting used in KY (meaning truth is my identity). It’s a nice reminder for the self that truth IS our identity. Be yourself, be the truth of you, how relieving. Check out these resources for more information: Happy, Health, Holly for all things KY.

Kundalini Research Institute where you will find loads more information and right now a special Covid-19 - Aquarian Development Seris Trainings for FREE!

I’m also a big fan of Dr. Joe Dispensa’s mediations, in his books like my favorites “Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself,— How to Lose Your Mind and Create a New One” and “Becoming Supernatural— How Common People Are Doing the Uncommon.”

They’re very healing and inspirational as well, and more directive to keep your mind focused than the exercise given above, which is still a great place to start. But if you find you need something different I’ve listed some options. You can find the meditation from his books on iTunes, Amazon, or his website —

In addition, I love LifeForce Yoga for Depression and Anxiety, which also has some great meditations. I was trained in this technique as well and have found it super beneficial for my clients and myself.

You can learn more about LIfeForce Yoga and Meditations at their website:

I particularly love the video Yoga for Depression— to Beat the Blues Level One. After doing this video for 30-days I was so creative and my intuitive knowing to follow my dreams led me to form the Find Your Flourish Workshops and Retreats. My collection of workshops and Mind-Body retreats and my Find Your Flourish in France Retreat. After this retreat I was so in love with this part of the South of France that I decided eventually move to France, toggling back and forth between Los Angeles, California in the United States and Nice in France on the Cote d’Azur with neighboring, Antibes, Cannes, St. Tropez and Monaco.

Just delightfully following my dreams and creating a new life for myself bases on what truly mattered to me. You can do the same with your life! What’s it you truly desire? Meditate on that one my friends and make your life irresistible to you!

You can find the video on Amazon or here at:

Amy Weintraub’s book Yoga for Depression is also a great read, found on Amazon and her website above.

One day I will write a blog about each of these approaches so that you can learn more. But until then, check out what appeals to you. Follow your heart and intuition.

Have patience with yourself as you learn this new skill and start slow/small.

After all, if you get worked up about not “doing meditation correctly,” then you’re doing the exact opposite of your intention, which is stress reduction. 

Take it easy, and Namaste, my friends! 

Over the last two months, I've helped many women in mini-sessions struggling with Corona anxiety make a specific plan they can implement immediately to manage the new situations presented during this time. They've all pretty much told me the same thing "I feel so much better and more equipped to deal with life as it is now and not lose sight of my ultimate dreams and goals, thank you." You're welcome!! 

When you work on you, you make life better for you, those close to you, and the world at large becomes a better place. I wish everyone could have a therapist and coach to help them understand their minds and live happier and more meaningful lives. I'd love to talk with you too. I've only got room for one more client at this time. So, reach out, and let's jump on a mini session call this week. I'm excited for you to live the life you are meant to live and love the feeling of being on the right path for you!