We’re continuing to talk about reclaiming our power in the face of tragedy. I think we could all use a mind shift toward feeling more in control during this stressful time.

Hi everybody! What a week, right? If you are like me, I’m sure you could use a mind shift toward feeling more in control during these increasingly important times. 

Were you able to try our gratitude experiment? I hope it made you feel lighter and more empowered throughout your week. 

Seeking things to be thankful for and being more aware is all a part of directing your mind, which leads to increased personal power.

But before we can lead our minds in any particular direction, we first must be an observer. 

Being MINDFUL means stepping outside of our own thoughts to “label” and “watch” them, as if from an outsider’s perspective. Rather than being 100% identified with our minds, we can be a witness to them. Imagine sitting on the bank of a river and watching it flow, rather than on the river and in the current. You direct the current which equals more empowerment.  

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Our minds can do some intense things sometimes! Right? And when your mind acts up, it helps to step back a bit, to not completely identify with it. After all, we have 80,000 thoughts per day, we want to be mindful about which ones we’re directed by! You are not JUST your mind. You can call yourself on your own BS! You can decide what really matters to you and why and not just react to all the thoughts your mind wants you to take a ride on. By doing this sort of practice, you can become more congruent with what’s truly important to you and discern what’s just useless mind chatter.  

During these stressful times, it’s important to be more aware of our thoughts and emotions.

Maybe you’ve been cooped-up with only one other person for weeks and weeks, and you’re ready to explode. Or it could be you have a ton of people quarantining with you, so you’re needing some alone time desperately. 

Before getting into arguments with your loved ones, or saying things you’ll regret, try to step back and practice mindfulness. Many of us are stressed, scared, bored, lonely, tired of each other, discouraged and want out. Being an observer of your anxious thoughts can help soothe your cranky thoughts and stop you from lashing out when that’s not really aligned with what you want. Be more purposeful, it’s empowering!  

In order to practice mindfulness, it truly helps to be a regular at meditation, which we talked about a few weeks ago. It’s like the concentrated version of mindfulness, and when we practice it once or twice a day, it can help us be more mindful more of the time—not just while we’re meditating. Meditation strengthens our “observer muscle.” 

Even taking just a simple, slow, deep breath can signal to your mind that it’s time to relax. Release your shoulders, take moment. Pause everything. Try stretching and yawning purposefully, taking time to JUST BE. If this is all the time you have, that’s fine. 

But if you want to level-up, I recommend you try at least a 30-minute meditation. Sometimes it can take our minds 10-15 minutes just to settle down before we get to the good stuff. If you’ve tried and liked short meditations before, give a longer one a shot and see how it’s different. Here are some guidelines you may want to consider.  

Rather than rushing around this next week, or letting your mind be your bully, I encourage you to slow down and be mindful. Watch your mind “from the outside” to feel calmer and more empowered! 

Stay tuned, I am here to help, no matter what’s been going on in your life.

This week I have room for one mini session only! So, now’s the time if you want to work with me. Jump on a call and let’s get you on a path to mindfulness and creating exactly the results you want in your life no matter what challenge you’re facing in the moment.  

My work is all about empowering you to be the best version of you no matter what circumstance you find yourself in. Our inner power begins with our thoughts, and the feelings those thoughts generate, then taking action from there! What do we want to see in our lives, in our nations, in the world?  

There are no boundaries to what you are capable of achieving when you harness the power of mindset—you get to choose on purpose what you think. You get to choose on purpose what feelings you generate. Those feelings will fuel the important actions you’ll take to get specific results. The results that you want to see in your life and in the world.  

It’s all possible. Nothing is too big or too small. You matter, what you care about matters. What you want to see in the world matters. I’m here to help.  

Good luck on becoming a more empowered person by practicing the skill of mindfulness. You got this! If you need it, I’m here to help. Lots of love to each of you.