Coronavirus Anxiety? Use Simple Mindset Shifts to Decrease Anxiety!

Coronavirus Anxiety? Are you struggling with decisions over health, work, finances, eldercare/childcare, or how to interact with others, fears about your business and what steps to take next? Perhaps you have a compromised immune system or are unable to work at the moment and want to use this time for self-development?

With over 16 years of experience as a therapist and coach, I can help you navigate these uncertain times so that you can feel confident and secure again. We'll meet via video from the comfort of your home. No driving. No fuss. No stress.

I'll teach you a specific formula to manage and reduce your anxiety. You'll rediscover your confidence even in the midst of uncertainty and panic. It will get better. You can do this. You can make smart decisions and take necessary precautions. You can actually thrive in this time with the correct mindset and tools to create your own reality and empowerment.

What’s a daily affirmation you can practice to ease anxiety?

What’s a daily affirmation you can practice to ease anxiety?

Some things you can do for anxiety:

  1. Ask yourself, “how would I like to feel during this uncertain time?” I know it’s easy to panic, but if you are being smart and following and taking the necessary precautions I might argue that you don’t need to be in a panic. I know it may sound crazy but you could feel peace. What kinds of thoughts would allow you to feel peaceful? You are not obligated to suffer, even if others are. What good does that do them, you, or anyone else? It doesn’t. Let it go.

  2. It’s ok NOT to watch the news 24/7. Try checking in once a day to get the updates. If you are leaving your home check before you go to make sure you are aware of any new information you may need while you are out and about. Decide how you will interact with people you may come in contact with. You do not need to shake hands and it’s 100% ok to be as cautious as you want. Let’s all be respectful of what we need first, which allows for you to be respectful to others. This is a time to be assertive baby! If you don’t know how or you are having a hard time call me for a mini session please! Stat!

  3. Carefully consider money without having a full-blown panic, ok? That will not help you. Consider creative ways and options to live on the income you already have and what will be coming in. There may be help coming from the government, but even if there isn’t, what creative ways can you think about the money you do have or may have available to you if you need it. What helps is to make a list of 10 ways you can access the money you already have or a loved one that may help you. Get creative and stop judging yourself, that only makes things worse. So what if you need a little help? You will help if you can, right? Get over your ego stuff fast in these circumstances. Or contact me now! I mean it! ;) Firm but loving. That’s what this situation calls for.

  4. Enjoy your time at home. It could become a staycation if you allow it. Do what feels good to you. Take care of your body. There is a lot of stress culturally speaking that affects all of us in times like this if we allow it in. Breathe, get centered, listen to a guided meditation on YouTube —do go down the Google rabbit hole. Just lay down on your bed or somewhere comfy and take a load off. Do nothing for 5 minutes. Let your brain decompress.

  5. Have plans, and everything in place, so that you can relax. Check out the links below to understand how to be prepared and to safeguard your health and the health of those you come in contact with. Once you’ve thought it all the way through and you have and have done what you need to be safe. Allow yourself to let go, and feel safe. You will act if you need to, you are smart and you will do what you need to if something is wrong. Right? There’s a continuum between denial and panic. In the middle is smart awareness and preparedness. If you are reading this, you have what you need to take care of yourself. So lose the worry. It serves no purpose and just adds to anxiety and stress which can lower your immune functioning. You are a smart woman doing what is needed, as you have defined for yourself according to guidelines set forth by health care experts. Know that and let it be.

  6. Don’t fight with reality you will lose every time and it will increase anxiety. This is happening. Yes, it’s a complete bummer and some people are really suffering as you well know. Absolutely, it would be awesome if we didn’t have this happening, but we do. Instead of resistance, practice acceptance and patience. You will feel better and it will help your immune system because you are lessening stress.

  7. Make a plan with your family on how to take care of children and elders you may care for. Talk with your partner and extended families. Don’t be shy to ask for help. Make sure everyone is aware of proper precautions. Even have a family meeting by Skype or Zoom or the old 3-way call, or speakerphone. Discuss a plan. Make a plan. Schedule it. Follow through. Ask one person to volunteer to be the leader of the schedule and be sure everyone gets a copy and knows when they are on duty if that is how you have worked it.

  8. If you are more at risk because of health concerns talk to your doctor and make sure you are doing all that you can to stay healthy as directed and prescribed by your physician. Make sure you think it all the way through. You can say no. You can have boundaries. This is not a time for people-pleasing. You have full permission to do your own thing darling, and that includes all you all! Your health is number one always. But sometimes you have fears and concerns that the general population may not have. That's ok. Try and calm your worried parts and give yourself love and compassion. That goes for all y’all too. Take this time to rest and rejuvenate even if you are still working, take small moments to rest and reset. You actually don’t need the permission of others. Own it, woman. You are just as worthy even with a chronic illness.

  9. Finally, watch or read something that makes you laugh out loud. This is not the time for sociopathic documentaries or anything else that is too intense for your already on edge nervous system. I love the show, “Homeland,” but I had to tune it out tonight because I could feel my nervous system getting unnecessarily activated. Tune into these subtleties for yourself. How about instead, you laugh as much a possible. The world needs your positive energy right now and so do you and your loved ones. This is a time that is usually covered in layers of stress, but it doesn’t have to be. Allow your negative emotion to come up and flow out of you and then allow yourself to let it go. Let it flow through you like a river.

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So those are some things you can practice to calm your worry, anxiety, and maybe even panic. Be sure to call me for a mini consult session if you need help. It’s a thing to be proud of knowing when to ask for help. I promise.

I’m thinking of you all and I have the best intentions and healing vibes for you during this time. I am here and let me know how I can help. I am privileged to have you all as my tribe.

With that said, I know you're triggered and even panicked. Our minds like certainty and right now IS uncertain. You don't have to go through this feeling anxious & stressed. Sign-up for a free mini-consult session to see if we're a good fit. You might want to hurry, my practice is almost full. I’ve got 2 more spots and I’d love to help you thrive through this crisis. I look forward to meeting via video or phone.

Take care and check out these resources for some good information:

Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) advice for the public from the World Health Organization:

Advice for those who are high-risk from the Center For Disease Control (US):

Much Love,

