
Coronavirus Anxiety? Use Simple Mindset Shifts to Decrease Anxiety!

Coronavirus Anxiety? Use Simple Mindset Shifts to Decrease Anxiety!

Coronavirus Anxiety? Are you struggling with decisions over health, work, finances, eldercare/childcare, or how to interact with others, fears about your business and what steps to take next? Perhaps you have a compromised immune system or are unable to work at the moment and want to use this time for self-development?

With over 16 years experience as a therapist and coach, I can help you navigate these uncertain times so that you can feel confident and secure again. We'll meet via video from the comfort of your home. No driving. No-fuss. No stress.

I'll teach you a specific formula to manage and reduce your anxiety. You'll rediscover your confidence even in the midst of uncertainty and panic.

Do You Have Decision Fatigue?

Do You Have Decision Fatigue?

I’ve been observing from clients lately, and me too really, that a lot of us busyaholics are in a place of “decision fatigue.”

What's decision fatigue anyway?

When you have a lot going on, which for us busyaholics feels like almost always, and you’re not making decisions about things that are on your mind. You’re ruminating over and over about the many different decisions you have to make, yet you may not even be aware of it, or just slightly aware. It might come in the form of a repetitive thought like, "oh no, and what am I going to do about the holidays?" And the energy you’re putting into having unanswered questions on your back burner is tiring you out.