For the next several weeks, we’re talking about reclaiming our power in the face of tragedy, as a direct response to the threat of COVID-19. I think we could all use a mind shift toward feeling more in control during this stressful time. 

How often do you think about your breathing? Probably not often. It’s one of those things our nervous system controls without our noticing. 

As a companion to our focus a couple of weeks ago on meditation, this week we’re going to talk about bringing awareness to our BREATH. 

When you’re stressed, scared, nervous, or angry, have you noticed the rhythm of your breathing changes? It does! That’s your sympathetic nervous system, which is sometimes called the “fight or flight” system. 

When this system is activated, our breathing becomes quick and shallow, which is fine for short periods, but we want to move out of that mode pretty quickly and activate our parasympathetic nervous system, which is all about rest, healing, and digestion.  

We can do this purposefully by bringing awareness to our breath and manipulating it with breathing exercises. There are many types of these, and you’ll want to explore them to see which ones work best for you. 

The simplest one is as easy as slowing your breathing down and taking slow breaths deep into your belly. Even these two steps can switch you out of “fight or flight” and into a calmer state. 

Another method is called alternate-nostril breathing, and it’s just what you’d imagine: you hold one nostril and inhale, then hold the one you just inhaled with and exhale through the other, then reverse the process. 

No matter the type of breathing exercise, the benefits are amazing. They can: 

  • Help you relax

  • Lower stress hormones

  • Alleviate pain naturally

  • Lower your heart rate + blood pressure

  • Improve blood flow

  • Increase your energy level

  • Improve posture

  • Reduce inflammation

  • Detoxify the body

  • Stimulate the lymphatic system

  • Improve digestion

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Over the next week, try to focus on your breathing at least twice a day and do a breathing exercise. Try right before meditation as this can help you feel centered and better able to focus without a racing mind. And if you find yourself stressed or upset about something, try to stop and do it right then and there. It could literally turn your body’s response around. 

Stay safe, stay calm, and remember to breathe!

I only have one spot left in my practice at the moment. So please let me know asap if you are interested in a mini session. I am in the process of going to a full waitlist here, but as people graduate here and there, I have openings. Soon it will be all waitlisted. I’d love to work with you if you’ve been thinking about it. I know I can really help. Connect here for a mini session spot or if none are open leave me a message here and I’ll do my best to fit you in. All sorts of love to you in this special time on earth. I am pulling for you and yours. You matter. Take care of you right now, you are worth it! You can decide you’re worthy right now and never look back!