Self Care For Weight Loss

This is part 4 in the Weigh it Out: Caring for Your Body in 2021 series.

To round out our series on caring for our bodies this year, I’d like to talk about self-care. I can already sense the eye rolls, and that’s ok. I know I talk about this a lot, but that’s because it’s critically important. 

But let me be clear—I’m not talking about lotions, potions, serums, hot tea, pedicures, and bubble baths. While those things have their place, the bottom line is that many of us treat ourselves terribly, and we can absolutely do better.

We may treat ourselves poorly by eating junk, wearing old/frumpy clothes, refusing to look at our bodies in the mirror, or saying mean things to ourselves. And this needs to change. 

We should be kinder to ourselves emotionally than any other human being on the planet.

True self-care is about making a commitment to be gentle with ourselves under any circumstance, to honor our commitments to ourselves, to be tender when we’re moving through tough emotions, and to always, always, always have our own backs. 

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Taking the time to prioritize what's important to us, to find out what we want, is vital. What do you really want? Do you even know?  

Future Focus

If your answer right now is that you want to make your body stronger and leaner, then I’d like to introduce you to the concept of future focus. If you want your body to change, we must first focus on our future and only talk about our bodies in terms of the future—really visualizing it—and not looking backward.

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Another tool I recommend is so simple: the scale.

I advise clients to weigh themselves. It's a hard-science indicator of whether what you're doing is working, and it lets us know what's going on in your mind, which creates your feelings, actions, and results.

Thoughts lead to results 

If we want to create a certain result in our lives, we need to make sure we're thinking the thoughts that will create that result. We need to see what's going on in your mind and change those negative thoughts about you to positive, motivating, and encouraging ones. 

We must deprogram our old thoughts and reprogram new ones by practicing them, repeating them, and rewarding them. Being proud of yourself, curious with yourself, and kind to yourself is the way to get the results you want.  

What are the thoughts you need to be thinking to get the results you want? You can become a person who thinks those thoughts without effort because you've practiced them so much. 

Feel stuck? I welcome you to schedule a mini session with me to dive a bit deeper. In addition to being a Master Coach and Psychotherapist, I’m also a Certified Weight Loss Coach. That means I can help you with a range of concerns you might be having including weight and body image.