healthy living

Self Care For Weight Loss

Self Care For Weight Loss

Rounding out our Weigh it Out series is part 4 focusing on self care—I’m not talking about lotions, potions, serums, hot tea, pedicures, and bubble baths. While those things have their place, the bottom line is that many of us treat ourselves terribly, and we can absolutely do better.

We may treat ourselves poorly by eating junk, wearing old/frumpy clothes, refusing to look at our bodies in the mirror, or saying mean things to ourselves. And this needs to change.

Exercise is More than a Tool for Weight Loss

Exercise is More than a Tool for Weight Loss

In part 3 of the Weigh it Out: Caring for Your Body in 2021 series we’re looking at exercise. Whether you love it, hate it, or somewhere in between, you’ve probably exercised at some point. In addition to a ton of reasons to move our bodies that have nothing to do with weight, we can use exercise to develop meta-skills. If we learn how to exercise for the purpose of feeling good on a regular basis, then we can take that skill and apply it to other things in our lives.

Weigh it Out: Caring for Your Body in 2021 (Part 1)

Weigh it Out: Caring for Your Body in 2021 (Part 1)

Are you truly ready to make changes in your body this year? Maybe you’re willing to go the distance, long after January is done and people have turned their Peloton™ bikes into clothing racks. With the chorus of messages out there, how do you know where to start? I always recommend, at the beginning and with baby steps.

PANDEMIC POWER: Keep it Moving!

PANDEMIC POWER: Keep it Moving!

As we’ve been cooped up in our houses on lockdown for weeks, it’s normal to see levels of exercise drop dramatically, and maybe you were all in at the beginning when you first started your new routine, but I know a lot of you are getting a second wave of the stir crazies. Or maybe you just need to mix things up.

Why You Should Retreat in the South of France!

Why You Should Retreat in the South of France!




What is the greater purpose of your life? What brings you happiness and fulfillment? How does your flourishing impact your loved ones?

This can be a hard question to answer in the midst of our own personal daily grind. We need to learn how to press the PAUSE BUTTON (where is it again?), and reconnect with what REALLY matters to us. The fastest way I know how to facilitate your connection to your deepest dreams and desires, is by taking time to retreat.

Despite what the little voices in our heads tell us, it is not selfish to have dreams and desires, or to follow your desired path. Actually, it’s just the opposite. When you live from a place of being connected to your authentic core – when you are happy and fulfilled – everyone around you benefits.

Think about it. Pause...