
Money Series Roundup: 11 Ways To Find Financial Freedom

Money Series Roundup: 11 Ways To Find Financial Freedom

Do you have a desire to create wealth, abundance and financial freedom in your life? Then you absolutely can and this is why I have been dedicating my writings to money for the past 12 weeks or so. Because you deserve to make of your life whatever you truly desire- and there’s nothing holding you back but your mindset.

This is a summary of what you’ve been learning over the last few months. If you missed a blog, go back and read it. Do the exercises that I suggest. Don’t just consume the information. Your life could change drastically for the better for good when it comes to money if you commit to this process and the desire is there.

Money Series Lesson 11: Asking for Money

Money Series Lesson 11: Asking for Money

How many times have you found yourself not asking for money, help, or anything else? We get paralyzed by FEAR—afraid we’ll be viewed as rude, get rejected, or feel embarrassed.

But asking for what you want isn't rude—it’s honest! Chances are they’re not going to think it's rude anyway (and if they do, it has to do with the thoughts in their mind and nothing to do with you).

The worst anyone can say is NO. You think not asking is "taking care to make sure they don't feel offended by your ask," but that has everything to do with them—not you. They could be delighted by your ask! It could be mutually beneficial—but you'll never know if you don’t ask.

Money Series Lesson 10: Your highest expense is not taking action

Money Series Lesson 10: Your highest expense is not taking action

The biggest expense you can ever pay in your life is inaction. Particularly inaction on your dreams. This is the biggest expense I see—listening to fear and not going after what it is you truly want. Imagine the time it could take to get going on that dream business you want. The more you stall the more you pay. You actually miss out on the opportunity your business would afford you to grow and the wealth you could accumulate.

I want you to start thinking about NOT TAKING ACTION as your biggest expense.

You might as well be stealing money from yourself when you let fear, confusion, doubt and scarcity stop you from taking action.

Money Series Lesson 9: How does a wealthy person think about money?

Money Series Lesson 9: How does a wealthy person think about money?

One of the most important things you can ever learn how to do is how to have money. The skill and ability to have money has everything to do with your relationship with money.

It doesn’t have to do with what money can buy you. Knowing this difference is everything when it comes to be able to keep your money and make wise investments.

How you feel about having money is going to determine how much money you have.

Since thoughts cause your feelings— first off identifying what your current beliefs about money are is extremely important. Second, deciding on purpose how you’ll start think about money is the second most step in creating wealth.

Money Series Lesson 8: How to have the money you want

Money Series Lesson 8: How to have the money you want

Most of us don’t know how to “have money.” 

We all have a money blueprint that comes from our thoughts about money which all stem from our socialization and upbringing. 

What I want for you is to raise your level of consciousness around money. Which just means that you are aware of your thoughts, feelings and actions regarding money. Rather than unconsciously living out your relationship with money based on prior programming that you aren’t even fully aware of. 

Keep in mind as you read this that the only reason you ever want anything is because of how you think it'll make you feel. 

Money Series Lesson 7: Do you spend your money on fuel for your life or entertainment?

Money Series Lesson 7: Do you spend your money on fuel for your life or entertainment?

Spending money on Fuel vs. Entertainment

There are two types of spending. Spending money that literally fuels your life and spending money on entertainment and/or stuff. Neither is necessarily good or bad. If you recall from last week, It’s simply up to you. The point is to become masterful at the art of having and spending money to create what you uniquely truly want with money and time instead of unconsciously living out your unexamined money blueprint.

Money Series Lesson 6: Are You Overspending Because Of Your Scarcity Mindset?

Money Series Lesson 6: Are You Overspending Because Of Your Scarcity Mindset?

Are you wasting time worrying about your spending habits? Learn how to spend from a place of empowerment, integrity and abundance.

All overspending comes from a place of scarcity. 

Think of retail therapy. Are you spending money to feel better?

You know that rush you get when you buy something? Your brain actually gets a dopamine hit when you buy something from a place of wanting to feel better. It’s the same as when you eat that 3rd cookie, instead of just the one you planned on. You ask yourself, “Why did I eat that when I knew I only wanted one?” It’s always because you wanted to feel different or better than you were feeling—even if you’re unaware of it. Eating sugar in concentrated amounts also gives your brain the reward of dopamine. Eating and spending can both be addictive. Just like alcohol, drugs and social media can become addicting.

Money Series Lesson 5: Math or Mind Drama... Which One Keeps You From Making More Money?

Money Series Lesson 5: Math or Mind Drama... Which One Keeps You From Making More Money?

Math vs. Mind Drama

For example, let’s say you want to make 200 K. That’s the math of the equation.

Everything else is mind drama. Mind drama includes doubts about your capabilities, the “how,” of how you will go about making that 200 K and all your other beliefs surrounding making the 200 K. All of these beliefs really have nothing to do with making the 200 K.

Money Series Lesson 4: How to Think About Your Earning Power to be a Badass Lady Boss

Money Series Lesson 4: How to Think About Your Earning Power to be a Badass Lady Boss

These 4 principles about earning money have changed the lives of many of my clients. They’ll change yours too. And— save you so much time, effort and relieve you from a lot of unnecessary financial and time-related stressors. 

I’m not going to focus on the “how” but rather on bigger concepts of the mindset shifts you must make to earn what you want and what you’ve always deserved.

Lately, I’ve been talking to you about all things money and time-related. Today, we’re focused on your earning potential. Your current beliefs about money are what’s causing you to get the results you’re currently getting regarding how much money you are generating and your earning power.

Money Series Lesson 3: How much time have you wasted contemplating your ho-hum debt? How to think about debt and create something magnificent.

Money Series Lesson 3: How much time have you wasted contemplating your ho-hum debt? How to think about debt and create something magnificent.

 Debts are “neutral and just there,” you could feel peace of mind today no matter what your debt. Here’s how.

I’ve been coaching a lot of clients lately on money issues and I wanted to share with you some of the most important ways to shift your mindset about money and debt to help you live your most irresistible life. Don’t let debt get in your way of your dreams.

Money’s a topic we all have some “issue” about because of our particular money blueprint, or money beliefs. Beliefs are always optional. So, don’t stay stuck believing your problem-based thoughts about money.

Money Series Lesson 2: Creating Money by Creating Value = More Free Time in Your Week To Do What You Love

Money Series Lesson 2: Creating Money by Creating Value = More Free Time in Your Week To Do What You Love

A lot of you will notice when you examine your mindset around money and time that you have a belief that you have to put in a lot of effort and time to make money. When time and effort = money, you’re basically sitting there with your hand out waiting to get paid. Do you currently feel that you “should” get paid the most you can for the least amount of effort and time? That’s not empowering. And that won’t create more of what you want in life. It will keep you stuck though.

What I am about to share with you is so important. Hint: You must get out of that “hand held out waiting” passive role and into massive action to create value from thoughts that serve you and don’t burn you out.

Money Series Lesson 1: Make More Time With a Money Mindset

Money Series Lesson 1: Make More Time With a Money Mindset

Money can buy you time, and there’s nothing more valuable than time.  

Some people think there’s nothing more valuable than money- I would argue there’s nothing more valuable then time.

It’s true the more money you have the more time you can buy, You can hire a work and personal assistant to do all the things you’re— ehhh at, or ehhh about doing and spend that time doing what really matters to you. What if you could spend more time with loved ones, doing things you truly value, or creating your life from your zone of genius?

The busy woman’s guide to shopping her closet in 4 easy steps without spending more time and money.

The busy woman’s guide to shopping her closet in 4 easy steps without spending more time and money.

One thing I have been finding is the cause of a lot of stress for you all is clutter. This makes prefect sense since when you are a self proclaimed busyaholic there is no time for decluttering. Yet I know many of you strongly desire a streamlined life.