thought work

Why are you luckiest woman on the planet? Oh, just by asking your mind good questions?

 Why are you luckiest woman on the planet? Oh, just by asking your mind good questions?

Worrying is like praying for something you don't want.

One of my clients, let's call her Margo was upset because at 37 she's not met "the man of her dreams" and she desperately wants to have a family. She was very worried about it being "too late." She was also focused on how she was "unlucky in love," and how other people so found love were "the lucky ones." She also was feeling confused about the the next steps in her business.

Loving Yourself Madly — A Daily Self-Affirming Practice

Loving Yourself Madly — A Daily Self-Affirming Practice

What would life be like if you loved yourself madly?

What would you do if you loved yourself madly?

The art of loving yourself fiercely can happen with a 5-minute exercise each morning. I challenge you to do it for a month and see the results that you get. It’s unbelievable the power of your mind. 

Got conflict? Need some skills? Peace out!

Got conflict? Need some skills? Peace out!

Are You in Need of Highly Effective Conflict Resolution Skills? We all are… :)

Too many relationship are suffering from conflict. It’s sad really because I see conflict as unresolved issues from one's past that get acted out with the person you love the most in your life. The conflict is almost always destructive to one degree or another. The problem is we are all just messy humans trying our best, but no one teaches you how to manage your mind, no matter what your brain has downloaded from you past experiences. You and your partner don’t need to be a victim to your patterns of thinking that were established when you were a child and you are not doomed to repeat those patterns, but you must understand and manage your mind.

How Self-Critical Are You?

How Self-Critical Are You?

How you treat yourself is a choice. It’s YOUR choice.

No-one, unfortunately, can choose for you. And I want you to consider that this is critical. That how you treat yourself creates the foundation upon which you interact in the world. The bad news is, sometimes we have to untangle thoughts and experiences that are in the way of us treating ourselves kindly and with respect. AND the awesome news is YOU have all the power here. Really.

It’s not about letting yourself off the “hook.”