
(Re)Writing the Past Using the Model (Part 1 of 2)

(Re)Writing the Past Using the Model (Part 1 of 2)

What would happen if we focus on writing (or better yet, rewriting) our pasts consciously? This involves changing the way we think and feel about past circumstances, rather than old, worn narratives that don’t serve us well. It’s about discovering alternative truths that acknowledge how far you’ve come and set you up for success.

The Model – It's your Ultimate Secret to Happiness and Empowerment

The Model – It's your Ultimate Secret to Happiness and Empowerment

The truth is that no one is responsible for how you feel and the results you get. If you want to feel happy, confident, loving or whatever other emotion you desire to feel on the regular – it's available to you.  

Same goes with results. Maybe you want to make 100K in your business or even a million. Or is it to find the love of your life or be in the best health of your life? 

It's all up to you. It's based on the simple formula called the model. Everything in life fits into the model. But you have to practice it to really apply it to your life.  

Why are you luckiest woman on the planet? Oh, just by asking your mind good questions?

 Why are you luckiest woman on the planet? Oh, just by asking your mind good questions?

Worrying is like praying for something you don't want.

One of my clients, let's call her Margo was upset because at 37 she's not met "the man of her dreams" and she desperately wants to have a family. She was very worried about it being "too late." She was also focused on how she was "unlucky in love," and how other people so found love were "the lucky ones." She also was feeling confused about the the next steps in her business.

Loving Yourself Madly — A Daily Self-Affirming Practice

Loving Yourself Madly — A Daily Self-Affirming Practice

What would life be like if you loved yourself madly?

What would you do if you loved yourself madly?

The art of loving yourself fiercely can happen with a 5-minute exercise each morning. I challenge you to do it for a month and see the results that you get. It’s unbelievable the power of your mind.