
Exercise is More than a Tool for Weight Loss

Exercise is More than a Tool for Weight Loss

In part 3 of the Weigh it Out: Caring for Your Body in 2021 series we’re looking at exercise. Whether you love it, hate it, or somewhere in between, you’ve probably exercised at some point. In addition to a ton of reasons to move our bodies that have nothing to do with weight, we can use exercise to develop meta-skills. If we learn how to exercise for the purpose of feeling good on a regular basis, then we can take that skill and apply it to other things in our lives.

PANDEMIC POWER: Keep it Moving!

PANDEMIC POWER: Keep it Moving!

As we’ve been cooped up in our houses on lockdown for weeks, it’s normal to see levels of exercise drop dramatically, and maybe you were all in at the beginning when you first started your new routine, but I know a lot of you are getting a second wave of the stir crazies. Or maybe you just need to mix things up.