Mindshift Map Volume 5: Making Progress

Throughout the last month or so, we’ve been focused on consciously believing new things. We’ve covered:

1.     Identifying old thought patterns and flipping them into more posi ones

2.     Visualization and imagination as ways to open up to new possibilities

3.     Repetition of new thoughts to cement them in our brains

4.     Specific tools like scanning for evidence and massive action

So maybe you’re starting to believe new thoughts about yourself and your life, and real changes are happening. Evidence starts to pop up everywhere that you’re truly manifesting a different life… 

…and then your brain freaks out!  

This can’t be real…this isn’t my life…who do I think I am? 

You’re a work in progress, my dear, and this is completely normal. Our brains need time to catch up. We must consciously accept our new thoughts over and over. 

Using the incredible power of the mind to create external reality is overwhelming at times, but we can be patient with ourselves as we adjust to new ways of thinking and living. 

Take some time to get ok with being wrong…or having been wrong. Even once you decide to change a belief on purpose, you might find yourself struggling with having been wrong for so long. 

You’ll have to reconcile all the years you believed something wasn’t possible with the new reality you’ve created for yourself. It’s more difficult than it sounds but stick with it.  

The brain doesn’t like change. Its goals are simply to avoid pain, seek pleasure, and exert as little energy as possible. 

When you change a belief, it’s uncomfortable. As you think differently, your brain will resist with dissonance, which causes anxiety (and even dread). But this means you’re doing it right.  

When you change a belief its uncomfortable.jpg

It will feel like a lot of effort to take massive action toward new thoughts. Your brain wants to stay cozy and stick with old thoughts and evidence. It’s a basic survival pattern we need to outwit and outgrow. We must actively move TOWARD discomfort to evolve into the next best version of ourselves. 

A word of caution: this is an identity-shattering experience. It’s a process of letting go of our old identities in order to embrace new ones.  

It’s quite hard work, and it doesn’t move in a linear way. But once we learn how to do this, we can embrace discomfort and evolve into the best version of ourselves, creating our truest desires.

On a mini-consult session a few weeks ago, Morgan, we'll call her for confidentiality reasons had an ah-ha moment that made her 2K extra in revenue for the week! She had decided at the time not to sign up for coaching because she wanted to go out and try her luck with the ah-ha she'd discovered in the mini. I was thrilled to hear the news and that she'd decided to sign up for my "Irresistible Life Coaching Package." I'm telling you it's not magic even if it feels like it, it's coaching and thought work that'll create huge shifts in your life too. Who doesn't want to make an extra 2K this week? Sign up today for a mini-consult and see what you're REALLY capable of!