Time Management #25: Do Not Fail the Follow Through

I have an artist friend who has a hard time with follow through. At any given time, she has no less than 20 projects going…and she kinda likes it that way.  

She’s got half-finished collages, partial paintings, quick sketches, and supplies all over her spare bedroom. It’s a fun, crazy mess!  

If she starts a painting, and it doesn’t flow well or hits a sticking point, she turns to some other project, and then she may or may not revisit it for months…or even years. 

And this chaotic system works for her because art is her “hobby” and not a career path. She doesn’t depend on her art to generate income—and when it does…it’s just gravy! 

But that’s not how things work for most of us.

People who achieve success typically attack their to-do lists and goals. They become masters at “sticking the landing”! 

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Do you abandon projects like my artist friend? I’m not saying you can’t even switch course—but do you find yourself with unfinished…well…everything

Once you start a task, especially if it’s a very important one, it’s vital that you make progress—no matter how slowly—until it’s done. And if it’s the most important task in your life, I would urge you to work at it diligently and with a laser focus. 

Don’t start anything new… 

Don’t let interruptions and distractions take over… 

Simply go after that one thing until it’s done. The satisfying sense of completion you’ll have is totally worth it…and then you can move forward with peace.

This week on a mini, one client explained how much of a struggle she was having in the area of organization.

Have you ever thought about the fact that struggle is a choice?

What if we could choose not to struggle with something that we've defined as a struggle possibly all our lives, how would that feel, what would you be able to do, and how many new strategies might you be able to come up with? My client came up with a lot in that 30 minutes and is excited to see what she can shift with this new concept. What struggle do you want to choose to look at in a solution-focused way? Jump on a free call with me and let's sort it out together.