Need Help Implementing Monday Hour One and Your Time Management Goals?

What are you obsessed about?

Being at home in the midst of the Coronavirus means you must take measures to take the very best care of yourself that you can. That’s what everyone of us needs and has the responsibility to do. Read my blog from earlier this week on how to manage anxiety during the Coronavirus. It’s a must read.

Today, I wanted to shift focus and talk to you about Monday Hour One to get your mind off the constant bombarding of information about this health crisis.

Be obsessed about what you want, not what you don’t want.

One super important thing thing that you can do right now is obsess about a positive future, in essence what you want to see happen, and dis-identify with obsessing about what you don’t want to happen —like getting ill, etc. After you have prepared, and you continue to take the recommended precautions, you get to live your life.

A lot of you have some free time in a different kind of way then usual, and some of you are first hand responders and need to plan how you will get in your self-care. Use Monday Hour One.

Regardless, take time to implement Monday Hour One, get all your self-care needs scheduled first!! Practice deliberately using your focus and your time right now. Try Monday Hour One and see how it can change chaos into order, and what you can create in time of uncertainty.

This week I’ve helped all of my amazing clients, I love every single one of them, to understand, plan and prepare their lives as best they can, have a self-care plan in place for their physical and mental health (which is just as important right now).

Learn how to manage inevitable bouts of anxiety and reach out for help as needed.

Focus on being well and envision your healthy future. I hope you can use the tool of Monday Hour One to focus on what you want to obsess over in a good way. Maybe it’s a career change, maybe how the economy bounces back easily, maybe it’s that wedding you’ve been thinking about, or just a well-organized and decluttered home environment. Obsess over something you want and FEEL what it feels like when it’s already a reality—and balance life and dreams with Monday Hours One.

Tell me what your new obsession will be. I will respond. Love to you and enjoy:

Monday Hour One is a tool that can unlock your full success potential. There’s an art to stress-free productivity and it starts with Monday Hour One.

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Monday Hour One changed my personal life, my work, and my exploration of the world in such a better way. So many of my clients have benefited from calendaring their life in exactly this way. Do what is important to you and edit out the rest.

I wrote a blog post that outlines the Monday Hour One process last year (and it’s been my most read post lately — it’s a hot topic!) The blog post is a great start but many clients have found it’s a whole lot easier to implement when you get a little unbiased assistance to help you uncover what’s holding you back, keeping you stuck, and when your mind is tricking you into believing you can’t do something.

Ready to dig in and implement Monday Hour One? Hop on a mini session with me and in just 30-minutes you’ll be amazed at what we can uncover.

Are you wondering, “What is a Mini Session?”

It is your opportunity to spend some one-on-one time with me talking about YOU exclusively.

Most of us don't often have a chance to talk for 30 minutes straight to a caring, experienced professional, who will listen and coach us in an unbiased way... which is something our friends and family just can't provide (no matter how much they care).

On top of that, I'll send you on your way with the secret to lasting empowerment. AND a tool you can use right away with no strings attached and no weird salesy conversation.

Are You Wondering, "Is Coaching For Me?"

There’s only one true way to find out, try a mini session and see for yourself.

Just in case you need a little encouragement, here’s what happened when these ladies struggling with time management and productivity took a chance and booked a mini session. (All names are changed for privacy.)

On a mini session one of our tribe members, Janina, she's wildly brilliant but just feeling like she's just too busy and overwhelmed to get decisive about her bigger goals and exactly what to do with her days. Most of us over-achiever has been there, am I right? She's an artist and mother of five! After the call, she told me our session may end up being the first day of transforming the rest of her life and even yours. Read what she wrote: 

“If you're considering trying out a free coaching call, you won't regret it! Tiffany and I hit it off right away, she's so easy to talk to and very friendly. There's nothing clinical about her manner, and she knows all the right questions to ask in order to really get you thinking while still feeling like you're chatting with your best friend. 

“If you're worried you're going to get a high-pressure sales pitch at the end, don't be. She explained her program to me clearly, including the costs and obligations on my end, and then encouraged me to think it through and make the best decision for my situation.

"Book a mini session, it may end up being the first day of transforming the rest of your life." 

During our mini session, Lauren got some got clarity on exactly how she was using her time in ways that could be waaaay better with just a little planning.

What had been baffling her for about a year was clear as day. As we closed the session, she had a plan of action according to the 3 things that were sucking all of her time. Her weekly blog/podcast. She realized the way she'd been thinking about it was causing her a lot of unnecessary grief and decided to think the thought that "blogging and podcasting could be simple."

That thought made her feel inspired and motivated and from there one of the actions she's gonna take is coming up with a system on exactly how she will outline these items to streamline these tasks, that she wanted to love, but got into a bad mindset around and just kept rinsing and repeating. What's your insight gonna be when we get on a mini session?

In a mini session with Janet, she explained how stressed she was around all her electronics being out of sync and not supporting her in business. Through our mini session coaching, she realized in a half-hour how she was thinking was causing her much stress and multiple colds.

Guess what she did? She decided none of the 1000’s of emails in her inbox were as important as her peace of mind and relationships, and she decided to delete them all!!! Shout out to Janet. A week later she reported feeling freer than a bird, she hadn’t realized what a burden she’d been carrying around. If this sounds terrifying to you, we need to talk. Jump on a mini and let’s figure out what one thing you can let go of to create an enormous amount of time and freedom for you to enjoy more things you love.

In a mini session Nicole was unsure how she could fit dating into her already busy entrepreneurial lifestyle. She had some thoughts that didn't seem so bad, like:

“I just don't have time to date”

“Dating takes so long”

“It actually wastes time”

“I really want to have a partner to share my life with”

These thoughts sound pretty standard, even reasonable, right? But what we learned is that when she thought these thoughts they lead to: 




& longing 

These emotions are not super helpful in taking actions to get out there and date, So we came up with some thoughts she could practice that created, empowerment, curiosity, and confidence in her ability to manage dating and her business and have fun doing so without wasting time. I also taught her about the 2-hour date strategy. I am excited to hear how it goes for her, she set up two dates and made the decision to go on at least one date a week and schedule it in her calendar just like anything else. 

If you are feeling stuck about something similar to these ladies, I can help. Jump on a mini session and let's get you sorted in just a 30 min call.

Your dreams are a total possibility with a managed mind and an organizational system! It's not rocket 🚀science. It a simply formula, that when followed creates exactly what you want in life. It’s all possible. Lots of love to you all...