Time Management #17: Lesson 3 in Staying Positive

So far in this series, we’ve focused on the power of positive self-talk and how to glean some gold from “negative” experiences in our lives. This week we’re going to talk about believing in ourselves. 

During a mini session last week, a woman named “Clara,” let’s say, was painfully trying to follow her schedule with no luck. When we looked at her internal dialogue, we found all kinds of negative self-talk, and a light bulb went off.  

Clara had an “a-ha moment” as to why she didn’t have the results she wanted, and it made all the difference. Check out her thought model and see how her internal dialogue was holding her back:


Attempt to organize goals + schedule them for dream manifestation


I’m scared I won’t complete it




Procrastinate by doing less-important work that won’t move me towards my dreams; get super analytical + perfectionistic, further slowing things down


I don’t complete my goals or carry-out plans, which creates negative evidence (“See—I just can’t do it!”)

Clara was stuck because she didn’t yet believe in herself. An “ah-ha moment” was all it took to show her the ways her thoughts were holding her back. 

Your thoughts create your experience.jpg

My goal is for every woman to live an irresistible life, but many times that requires having an epiphany that generates hope.

Are you ready for your moment like Clara? I can help you find it in a brief (30-minute), free mini session. Click here to set a time, and let’s get it!