time management

Time Management #7: Do the Top 3 and Let the Rest Go!

Time Management #7: Do the Top 3 and Let the Rest Go!

The list is the origin of culture. It's part of the history of art and literature. What does culture want? To make infinity comprehensible. It also wants to create order…how, as a human being, does one face infinity?” —Umberto Eco 

There’s a famous photo floating around the Internet of one of Johnny Cash’s to-do lists that’s simply hilarious…

Time Management #4: Success Starts Now

Time Management #4: Success Starts Now

I often hear a lot of push back around planning your time. But let’s set the record straight. Yes, being in the present moment is “the way,” but it doesn’t mean NOT planning for your future or setting any goals. That’s too black and white. It means plan as much as you can to be in alignment with how you want to spend your time to be MORE able to live in the now. When you map out your goals and time frames, it actually produces more freedom to live in the present moment.

Time Management #3: How to Stop Drowning in Details

Time Management #3: How to Stop Drowning in Details

Back in early April, I found myself on my knees, scrubbing my bathtub. Within an hour, I’d moved on to re-organizing my sock drawer, then dusting furniture, when it finally hit me—I was literally doing anything to avoid my 2018 taxes! 

I even have an amazing woman whom I love, and she comes and cleans for me once a week. I try to stay within my zone of genius as much as possible, and I suggest you do so too, since time is our most precious commodity—and cleaning is not in my zone of genius whatsoever— so what the heck was I doing? Have you done this?

Time Management #2: Stop Putting Out Fires All Day

Time Management #2: Stop Putting Out Fires All Day

Sometimes in the evenings, when you’re looking back at your day, do you find that nothing on your “goal list” got done? This used to happen to me more than I’d like to admit. That’s why I’ve spent the last years intensely studying what makes us more efficient with time so we can knock out busyness and get on with the joy are lives are supposed to be made of. 

How many days do you spend the bulk of your time running around putting out fires?

How much closer could you be to your big dream if you stopped letting the tail wag the dog? There’s actually a way to work half the amount you are now and make twice as much money and time for things you love. Focus baby focus.  

Time Management #1: The Power of Writing Out Your Goals With Pen and Paper

Time Management #1: The Power of Writing Out Your Goals With Pen and Paper

Who reading this hates when asked to make a list of personal or professional goals? Like writing it with a pen/pencil on actual paper?

I used to despise it. I couldn’t narrow big ideas, didn’t know how to articulate others, and felt a few were just unattainable fantasy.

But the truth is the more you do this the more you’ll see your busyness fade into the sunset. Also, guess what? You end up creating your life by design — one that you truly love. Most people go through their whole lives never discovering their true desires because of some falsity that it’s wrong to have or want, and that if you do it means you don’t appreciate what you have. But it’s not “either or mentality,” but a “both mentality” that’ll create true joy, abundance and success.

Monday Hour One

Monday Hour One

Out of all of the things I can teach you this is definitely one of the tools, that crate the most freedom, make you the most money, and develop a legacy for your life that has the most meaning for you. Time and money are both mental contracts. So is time management. But time management is a useful construct for us to utilize because of the awareness that it brings to living your life on purpose and on your terms. Just like anything else outside of us, we cannot control time. But we can manage our minds around time- which will in turn help us-- quote unquote-- manage our time. The construct of time means nothing until we have a thought about it. 

We’ve all agree on the mental construct of time.