Are You Failing Before You Even Try? Stop It!

Are You Failing Before You Even Try? Stop It!

We don’t want to fail (and, by the way, why not?) or not be “good enough” (again, why not?), so we build a homestead around the fire of “I’m waiting until I’m ready,” or "that will probably never happen for me, so I just won't even try." We roast marshmallows, talk to others also homesteading there, make good friends, get comfortable, even feel sorry for ourselves because, "see it's totally unlikely that my dreams could come true," – but still have nights when we’re looking out beyond camp to the place off in the distance that is calling us, wishing and hoping.

How Self-Critical Are You?

How Self-Critical Are You?

How you treat yourself is a choice. It’s YOUR choice.

No-one, unfortunately, can choose for you. And I want you to consider that this is critical. That how you treat yourself creates the foundation upon which you interact in the world. The bad news is, sometimes we have to untangle thoughts and experiences that are in the way of us treating ourselves kindly and with respect. AND the awesome news is YOU have all the power here. Really.

It’s not about letting yourself off the “hook.”

You Get to Create Your Own Life in Emotional Adulthood

You Get to Create Your Own Life in Emotional Adulthood

You are in the driver's seat when you practice emotional adulthood.

The idea of Emotional Adulthood is a core tenant in my coaching practice. Because from the place of emotional adulthood we take back so much of our own power in our lives. We become more focused on what matters, rather than being distracted with things we can’t change, and we begin to create in our lives in ways that can just blow your mind.

Don't stress the stuff you can't change. It's a waste of your energy and emotional wherewithal.

Are You Cheating on Yourself?

Are You Cheating on Yourself?

Are you trudging through life trying to "get things done," and breaking promises to yourself day after day?

Secretly, you wonder, “what is wrong with me?” Or, “why can't I do what I say I'm going to do?” It's just doing the laundry, getting to bed on time, losing weight, starting yoga, getting to places on time, finishing that project, or starting that online course I paid for but never seem to have the time to do.

Sound like you? Are you cheating on yourself in this way?

Are You So Busy You Can't Get Anything Done?

Are You So Busy You Can't Get Anything Done?

Do you procrastinate? Do you get stuck in needing it all to be perfect, otherwise you don't do it at all, or you spend hours perfecting something that a B- quality of work would suffice? Do you have a to-do list a mile long, but can't seem to make much progress? Are you always coming up with great ideas, but have trouble following through on them? Do you find yourself exhausted at the end of the day, because you worried all day long that you should have been focusing your attention on what is important to you, and can't wait for the evening time when you can stop and relax?

Get Those Thoughts Down

Get Those Thoughts Down

You've heard this, the mind is the most powerful tool us human beings have. Yet most of us, kind of run on auto-pilot, or let our minds run us. Almost passively listening and reacting to our thoughts.   The most important thing you can do is OBSERVE your thoughts. Really.   

Often we don’t become aware of our thoughts until we’re feeling some kind of strong emotion, usually unpleasant. But, as you know, it is our thoughts that create our feelings. Not the other way around.   So can you see how important it is that we get curious about what thoughts are running through our brains?


The Model - Q & A - The force lies within you, Yodas!

The Model - Q & A - The force lies within you, Yodas!

1. Coachee: You said the goal is not to feel good all of the time?

Me: Right. Our circumstances are not always going to be pleasant and that’s ok. Often we think we have to change our circumstance to feel better, but that is not the point. We can change how we’re thinking about our circumstances and that will change how we’re feeling, reacting and what results we’re creating for ourselves in that circumstance.

Is Being Comfortable Holding You Back?

Is Being Comfortable Holding You Back?

You might be wondering, when you finally feel comfortable at something (work, play, life), why are you not as satisfied as you expected?
Our comfort zones. They are so cozy. So reassuring. So stable. Until they’re not. Until our insistence on staying in our comfort zone, usually so well meaning, actually leads to a narrowing of our life to such an extent that we feel “trapped” or “stuck” versus comfortable and good.

How Are You Handling Setbacks?

How Are You Handling Setbacks?

"Setbacks" are just "Speed bumps" on the road to change. Totally normal!

Get familiar with the way you think about your setbacks and your whole life can change. Sounds dramatic, but it's true!

So listen – anytime you’re trying to make a change in your life you’re going to experience what feels like setbacks. And a lot of the time we tell ourselves that a “setback” means we can’t do it, or it’s not going to work.

A Good Reason To Believe For No Reason

A Good Reason To Believe For No Reason

“So many of our dreams at first seem impossible, then they seem improbable, and then, when we summon the will, they soon become inevitable.” — Christopher Reeve

It’s important for us to believe in things we have no past evidence to support us believing in.

Our thoughts shape our reality. So if we continue to think what we’ve always thought, we’re going to produce what we’ve always produced. I’ve read this a thousand times before. But you know when you have that moment where you hear something and then that moment when you REALLY HEAR something.

Refreshing Look at Self-Care

Refreshing Look at Self-Care

What if there was one thing you could do right now for self-care that would greatly improve your mental, physical & spiritual health, and you don't even have to move from where you are or stop what you are doing? Well there is...

You can stop mentally beating yourself up and feeling guilty for not sticking to your self-care routine? Wait a minute, what? 

Thinking on Purpose

Thinking on Purpose

Our brains are biologically wired for survival. When we lived more primitive lives, think caveman cavewoman, this was very helpful in ensuring we were alert to danger and ready to act. In today’s world we don’t need our brains to be constantly scanning for life-threatening dangers. But our brain hasn’t gotten that message. It wants us to stay in the cave. It’s committed to keeping us safe. And that means sometimes we can over think things and put ourselves in a Fight or Flight or Freeze Response over scenarios that are not happening and likely aren’t ever going to happen.

Decisions, Decisions

Decisions, Decisions

I think there’s no such thing as “right” decision.  The recovering perfectionist in me wants to believe there is. That with enough time, research, assessing and over thinking I can make sure that I make the most right decisions I can.  

And the deal is I’m slowly, learning to re-define how I think about a “right” decision.  Of course I want to be aligned with my integrity and spirit.